Friday 4 March 2011

Account Taken Already

Hey guys, George here. Do you know the free account I was giving out to the first person who emailed me. You do, well then let me tell you that somebody has already emailed me and got the free account. But don't worry because if you email me now you will get the Moshlings name and an acceptance promise to be my friend on Moshi Monsters.

George 100 President

Wednesday 2 March 2011


Hi everyone, George speaking here. This is excellent for people who play Moshi Monsters because I am about to announce a new Moshling in the Secrets category. His name is...     ...find out by emailing me at and I will email you back with his name and the first person who emails me gets a free level 5 and a half account with 356 rox, a 5 star room with 24 visits and me as a best friend.

Star Wars III

Hi readers, George here. I know that the new game Lego Stars Wars III has come out on February 18th but if you do not have the game yet, you can watch exclusive clips about the game on the Lego website and go to the Star Wars game Ace Assault. If you win a game you should get an exclusive video about the game. When you pick the character you want to play with click next, then all your rewards will come up (LOG ON YOUR LEGO ACCOUNT TO SAVE). After that click the start button, you may pick your ship and add 3 upgrades to your ship. To unlock the Emperor Palpatine's Shuttle and the Imperial V-Wing Starfighter, watch Bombad Bounty and look for the numbers LB-??? and MP-???. I already know one, its MP-235. I also know the other one its LB-691 but it says that it is an invalid entry. Well anyway try to get all the rewards and maybe even the code to unlock Cheatcode Console.

George 100 Presedent